READ command allows for tags to be selected for another command to us as a value.
READ also comes with the option to read properties if the tag is a DataTag to read a specific value within the DataTag.
READ also has specific properties that can be defined so the READ sends a Bool value for the Event tab. Other properties will return tag specific these properties are shown as a radio button list and each works as follows:
- Updated: Whenever a message is received by the tag a true value will be returned.
- Inc: Whenever a new message is received and the value is higher than the previous value a true value will be returned.
- Dec: Whenever a new message is received and the value is lower than the previous value a true value will be returned.
- Diff: Whenever a new message is received and the value is different than the previous value a true value will be returned.
- Min: For a NUMBER type tag (integer or decimal) the minimum value of the cached values will be returned.
- Max: For a NUMBER type tag (integer or decimal) the maximum value of the cached values will be returned.
- Avg: For a NUMBER type tag (integer or decimal) the mean value of the cached values will be returned.